Karen Paritee
Conducted Story Craze Cast Member
Karen has been practicing improv with The Radical Agreement Project since 2023. She started because she was looking for a way to upgrade her listening skills that was fun - aka was virtual, so that she if she got nervous or screwed up, she could just click on “leave meeting” because her “internet wasn’t working.” So far, she has been nervous and has screwed up BUT has not (yet) used this exit strategy because of the all-reward, no risk environment The Radical Agreement Project has created and how radically supportive RA is of its students.
Karen has spent ZERO years doing anything even remotely connected to the entertainment industry. Unless laughing at herself counts. And acting like the world is coming to an end when Trader Joe’s Gourmet Fried Onions are out-of-stock.
While Karen clearly should not quit her day job, she does appreciate how well improv lends itself to doing it. The “it” being helping women leverage their very good reasons for their “bad” habits to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
When she’s not being a devil’s advocate or hanging out with the great people of The Radical Agreement Project, she enjoys spending time pretending that she’s going to be able to read all the books she wants to in her lifetime and that cats and dogs can live forever.