Lydia Montoya-Enderle
President, Daisy & The Daves Improv, Miami of Ohio University
Hi! My name is Lydia Montoya-Enderle, I am the president of Daisy and The Daves at Miami University in Ohio. I just recently graduated with my bachelors in Psychology in May, and will begin my Masters in Social Work at Miami University.
I stumbled into improv with little previous background in theater, and ended up falling in love with it. After the original director stepped down for personal reasons, the group was handed to me and my other officers to do as we pleased. From there, we have created a group that focuses on sketch comedy and improv games. We do one show in our fall semester and one show in our spring semester. This group has become a personal passion project that has kept me sane and ruined my sanity multiple times.
As a cohead writer, main director, and sometimes actor, I am thrilled to be involved with Daisy and The Daves as long as everyone will let me.

Daisy & The Dave's Website!