The Radical Agreement Project is a recognized leader in corporate team building and soft skill development.
A Client Story
I recently taught an improv based leadership workshop for an association of professional radiologists, and a few interesting things happened in the process that I thought might be of interest to potential clients. The first thing I wanted to highlight was a space issue. I had sent the client my blog post on preparing your space and team for a workplace improv event, but I could see the link had never been clicked. So about 10 days before the event I sent an email to a few stakeholders in the event asking what space they intended the workshop in. The answers weren't good. They wanted to hold a 25 person workshop in a room that was 20' x 20' (fine) but was crammed with 5 large tables each suitable for seating 8-10 people. I suggested building in time on both ends of the workshop to allow for the removal and then the return of the tables. This was impossible though, given the laptops and other materials the association wanted members to setup on the tables for other back to back sessions. Fair enough, but an improv workshop in the nooks and crannies between those tables would not have gone well. I explained this and underlined the importance of there being ample space to move freely, a big part of playing many of the improv games I had prepared for the curriculum. I was nervous to stand my ground. Would the client perceive my strong advice as me being difficult and decide to cancel the workshop? On the other hand, I didn't want to waste my client's money. I reasoned it would be better to lose the event than to deliver a subpar product. Fortunately the hotel hosting the association for the few days of their conference was able to find a beautiful meeting space about 15 floors higher than the main conference hall. We retooled the schedule to allow for some travel on an elevator and held the event there. The event itself went marvelously and the breathtaking views of the mostly empty meeting space only enhanced the experience! That never would have happened if I hadn't insisted we at least try to find a suitable room. The way this problem played out provides a type of roadmap for all events. There will always be unexpected problems when arranging live events. But problems are no problem at all so long as you don't ignore them and take reasonable action to overcome them. The Radical Agreement Project (RA) is committed to that type of problem solving and we welcome clients that want to go the extra yards the ensure excellent events!

The Radical Agreement Project utilizes a national network of improv experts in order to bring the best facilitators to your events!

Our Services
Improv can be used to advance the development of any soft skill, common workshop focuses include:
Team Building / Communication / Creativity / Presentation Skills / Sales / Storytelling / Agility (In The Face Of The Unexpected) / Working with Difficult People / Collaboration / Listening / Staying In The Moment & Much More
Our 90-120 minute interactive workshops are perfect for teams of 6-20. For larger groups, multiple instructors can be provided to run concurrent workshops.
Engagements can include pre & post workshop exercises and materials. All workshops include extensive consultation with the workshop instructor.
Available anywhere in the continental US and Canada.
Looking for a learning event that can address groups as large as 100 to 300 professionals? Our 60-90 minute interactive improv lectures engage large groups while sharing valuable workplace strategies.
Available anywhere in the continental US and Canada.
Looking to make the next quarterly meeting just a bit more bearable?
Whether you are in the market for an emcee, a stand up, sketch comedy or a live improv comedy show, we can get you the absolute best up and coming comedians for your event!
Available anywhere in the continental US and Canada.
Our 60 minute online workshops work well for smaller groups of 6-12 participants and can be run on any video conferencing software.
Virtual workshops can include pre-workshop exercises, post workshop materials, and consultation with the workshop instructor.
Available anywhere a good internet connection is accessible.
Get a sense for the fun and feel of an improv based workshop by watching our corporate training promo video!
We serve the Continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, The United Kingdom & India.
Rebecca Turcotte,
HR Director
"The Radical Agreement Project provides activities that allow a group to learn collaboration skills, by supporting their team members in a positive and uplifting way. It is also, therefore, a useful way of building team communication and cohesion, by helping people communicate in an open, honest and constructive way."
Dennis DiMaggio,
Chief Learning Officer
"Terry brings great insights to applying Improv principles to leadership, communication, and teamwork challenges."
Eran Arbel,
Asst Director Talent Management & Development
"Terry is absolutely fantastic! He gets people to participate, has great feedback, and fun exercises to move things along."
Michelle Fischer,
Director of Strategic Communications & HR
"Terry is great! He takes a very creative approach to solving common work place challenges. He has the ability to engage and bring a team together in a positive fashion with the objective of helping them to realize their full potential. He is fun to work with!"