The Radical Agreement Project (RA) is a recognized leader in corporate team building and soft skill development.
Get a sense for the fun and feel of an improv based workshop by watching our corporate training promo video!

Our Services In Long Beach, CA
Improv can be used to advance the development of any soft skill, common workshop focuses include:
Team Building / Communication / Creativity / Presentation Skills / Sales / Storytelling / Agility (In The Face Of The Unexpected) / Working with Difficult People / Collaboration / Listening / Staying In The Moment & Much More
Our 90-120 minute interactive workshops are perfect for teams of 6-20. For larger groups, multiple instructors can be provided to run concurrent workshops.
Engagements can include pre & post workshop exercises and materials. All workshops include extensive consultation with the workshop instructor.
Available anywhere in the continental US and Canada.
Looking for a learning event that can address groups as large as 100 to 300 professionals? Our 60-90 minute interactive improv lectures engage large groups while sharing valuable workplace strategies.
Available anywhere in the continental US and Canada.
Looking to make the next quarterly meeting just a bit more bearable?
Whether you are in the market for an emcee, a stand up, sketch comedy or a live improv comedy show, we can get you the absolute best up and coming comedians for your event!
Available anywhere in the continental US and Canada.
Our 60 minute online workshops work well for smaller groups of 6-12 participants and can be run on any video conferencing software.
Virtual workshops can include pre-workshop exercises, post workshop materials, and consultation with the workshop instructor.
Available anywhere a good internet connection is accessible.
Rebecca Turcotte,
HR Director
"The Radical Agreement Project provides activities that allow a group to learn collaboration skills, by supporting their team members in a positive and uplifting way. It is also, therefore, a useful way of building team communication and cohesion, by helping people communicate in an open, honest and constructive way."
Dennis DiMaggio,
Chief Learning Officer
"Terry brings great insights to applying Improv principles to leadership, communication, and teamwork challenges."
Eran Arbel,
Asst Director Talent Management & Development
"Terry is absolutely fantastic! He gets people to participate, has great feedback, and fun exercises to move things along."
Michelle Fischer,
Director of Strategic Communications & HR
"Terry is great! He takes a very creative approach to solving common work place challenges. He has the ability to engage and bring a team together in a positive fashion with the objective of helping them to realize their full potential. He is fun to work with!"
A Client Story

Last December I ran a basic communications workshop for the customer service team of a logistics company in Long Beach. It was a pretty straightforward affair with participants laughing a lot and learning some neat tricks about effective communication.
There was one moment I thought I'd highlight because it was so great. I was running an exercise called Classic Pairs in which you build out an improv scene scenario by focusing on WHO is in the scene. So one person says something like, "I'm a used car Salesman," and their partner self identifies as some sort of role that would fit with a Used Car Salesman by saying something very similar. Maybe, "I'm a wary customer."
(I'll note a quick trick with this exercise that I really like. If anyone has trouble thinking of an identity that fits with someone else's identity, tell them to simply copy the first person's choice. So, "I'm a used car salesman," can be met with, "I'm a used car salesman too!" Two used car salesmen, makes sense that they would know each other and be in a scene together right? And that comes from simply accepting and embracing what your partner has suggested, that's why I like it and it almost always works for this exercise.)
Okay, so we're playing Classic Pairs and it is going great until one player decides to get fancy. Wen it is their turn they walk up to their scene partner and announce: "I'm a Ethnobotanist."
Now I'm pretty sure no one in the workshop knew what an Ethnobotanist was except for the gentleman who brought it up. I looked it up later, it is someone who studies the relationship between plants and humans. Maybe he had studied biology at CSU Long Beach?
So his partner takes a moment to deal with what looked liked a sizable amount of fear. And then she simply responded with, "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right. Can you maybe repeat yourself and say a little more about what you mean?"
DING DING DING DING DING! We have a winner!
Sure, admitting you didn't hear what someone else said in an improv scene might feel bad, as though you're saying you know less than your partner. But actually it is a great move and it is only a move made by players who have self confidence and prioritize getting it right over looking cool.
I think the same dynamics are at play in workplace communications. What to do when a colleague or client mentions something you know almost nothing about? Well asking them to repeat themselves while adding more context seems like a pretty good first step to me. It's not cool, but it is effective.
Recommended Long Beach, CA Venues
Hilton Long Beach
701 West Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90831
(562) 983-3400
Just next door to the Long Beach Convention Center, the Hilton Long Beach is practically the unofficial hotel for conventions in the city. Not that it doesn't have event space of its own. Not known in particular for its cuisine, Chef Javier nonetheless gave the menu five stars!
The Queen Mary
1126 Queens Hwy,
Long Beach, CA 90802
(562) 435-3511
All aboard! A wide variety of event spaces await you on this historic ocean liner for your next work event. Try the Grand Salon or the Royal Salon, but for goodness sake, try a saloon! the Queen Mary can host up to 5,000 guests for events of all sizes. Corporate retreats, small conferences and intimate executive meetings are all welcome.
The Loft on Pine
230 Pine Ave,
Long Beach, CA 90802
(562) 888-2060
Rustic-chic is how the in-the-know describe the aesthetic of Loft On Pine. Will your work colleagues even be able to stand it if ther next event is here? In the heart of cool? Darling, you just have to. The amenities are choice.
Other Long Beach, CA Improv Spots!
Long Beach offers a number of different types of improv institutions that you can study, laugh and perform at.
Improv2gether - Improv For Life
An ambitious company that promises to unlock people's full potential through improv comedy. The institution does offer frequent classes, performances and free workshops!
A stage company focused on play using improv, acting exercises/training and community. Classes available in tis inclusive space.
Offers classes in improv, acting for camera and commercial auditioning/performing. Also provides coacing for the professional actor.