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Writer: Terry WithersTerry Withers

Updated: Mar 17


Another week and another great set of PIP Performances!

Ludicrous Lasagne made us all laugh with this set:

Highlights include:

*Masha's tag into he first scene in which she establishes that she is that town's one audience member, managing to piggyback onto an interesting detail from the first scene while also introducing a comedic concept that was explored through tag outs a good deal.

*In the second scene about a couple at a baseball game, Masha (This is a Masha heavy highlight list so far!) did an amazing job noticing and framing an unusual thing in Cali's initiation of, "See I told you a baseball game would be a great first date, which carried a hidden accusation that Masha noticed and framed. Awesome moment!

*George and Cali had a fun Art Gallery scene towards the end. George introduces a comedic moment (first unusual thing, call it what you will) by saying to Cali, "You realize that's your own painting you're gazing at, that you painted yourself?" Without a moment's hesitation Cali fires back, "That's because I live in the moment 100%. I'm too in the moment right now to remember this painting." Or something like that. Really funny justification.

*Some good connections at the very end by Leela and George.

Hot Mussels! set was fast and hilarious, check it out below.

Lots of great highlights from this set including:

*Faith and Evan's first scene about Faith rubbing tabasco sauce over her skin, eventually leading to a divorce court scene in which Faith admitted before a judge:"To be honest I encouraged him to put it (tabasco sauce) on because maybe he would die from it."

*A midway through the set group scene that was set at a festival for people who are both unhinged and hinged. Really great sharing focus here.

*A HS Ed class where the teacher, Robby said, "We won't get to touching until next week when we get to touching."

*Duane initiates a later scene with "Honey, I'm starting to feel weird again!"

This exchange ion a second beat of the first scene, Evan: "Are you saying I'm not worth 30 minutes of your time?" Faith rapidly responds, "Yes, that is what I'm saying."


We have a LOT of highlights from this past Sunday so my comments will be somewhat sparser!

Hot Mussels! took to the airwaves to push their sea based brand of comedy performing a set based on the suggestion "Safari".

*Evan playing a Zebra Man who self describes as an alpha male but is actually a working actor but also thinks he is a real zebra and it was implied that he drove off using his urine and a willingness to bite zebras. Quote "I am a real zebra and I am displaying that I am an Alpha Man!" - LOL

*Faith playing a librarian who thinks it makes sense to suggest books other than what people are looking for based on whether or not she thinks what they are looking for is boring or not.

*Karen quote to Evan, "I am trying to describe bathroom hygiene to you." LOL

*Duane quote, "Hi uh, I've been running around here, trying to find uh, well there have been a couple of homeless people living in the zoo!

Ulterior Motifs also had their second show this past weekend and the results were no less thrilling!

*I had the unique pleasure of coaching this team as a sub right before their first performance and I got to see their opening and form. Pretty complicated for RA and they are generating full premises and then looking to initiate with them. I think that is a real highlight!

*Jeff's really strong initiation (I mean confident) that set the stage for Afsaneh's hilarious character who wonders what to do if she is captured and tortured (by which she means tickled) by the enemy.

*The final group scene that brings connections from the entire set together is a really great highlight from this set too and is something we should all look to do more!

The Yes And Why Nots (team page coming) had a wonderful debut!

*Jess offering Bailey & Angelina a chance to buy a ticket to her wildlife preserve, where you are encouraged to get into cages with wild animals.

*Angelina and Jules "Treasure Workshop" was patently absurd and delightful! Jules quote, "I'm so glad I paid so much money for this workshop."

*Bailey's cutaway initiation at Sally's suggestion "Come on, come all, we're skiing in the nude!"


Ludicrous Lasagne had their debut performance on 3.2.25. Video and highlights below!

Suggestions used were: "Footprints", "Springs" and "Mac & Cheese".

*Loved Leyla & Cali's opening scene about a couple in love on their honeymoon who decide to ignore their honeymoon in favor of hunting exotic monsters. One line that made me laugh out loud was something like, "Looks like Sasquatch tracks to me, based on what I saw in a Netflix documentary." Not sure who said it...

*Really enjoyed the after honeymoon tagouts that happened in this run.

*I enjoyed the justification for dealing with Cali in the second run of scenes was "You like to be too nice to strangers."

*I thought the justification that came up towards the end of the third run of scenes ("Everything we do we gotta do first!") was a really good example of a very playable justification or point of view.


Ulterior Motifs had their first performance on 2.23.25. Video and highlights below! Suggestion was "Denim Vest"

*I loved the way the show started off with a denim vest commercial which eventually mutated into an Acid Wash Denim commercial. Fun and the whole team was in on it. This merged effortlessly into Sarah and Jeff's first scene of a high fashion consult that was "in the now". Fun clear game that returned throughout the set.

*Really enjoyed Lonny's walk on with her dog that looks like a deer in Chris and Robert's hunting scene.

*I laughed all through Lonny and Sarah's scene about the discovery of Acid Wash Denim. Particularly enjoyed Chris' walk on that was called out for being quite unusual in a classroom and justified just as fast as the result of living in a "dog eat dog" world.

*Very walk on heavy show, which I enjoyed. Some highlights were Rob's walk on when he describes his tough time bringing denim into mafia neighborhoods, Jeff in the pleathor suit (and all of the Canadien Tuxedo conversation) and Afsaneh's school administrator who asserted school ownership[ rights.


The new PIP Teams have launched and the first performance by Hot Mussels! is in the books! 

I’m going to start publishing weekly highlights from PIP performances, this being the first of those. I’m not sure if I’ll always use a blog post to do it. Maybe an internal message board would be better? Or maybe a flexible interactive page on the site?

What I really am sure of is that the highlights should come from more perspectives than just my own. So please, if you caught the show, add your favorite moments in the comments section at the very bottom of the post. Totally okay to repeat moments in order to give your favorite moments a shout out.

If you missed last Sunday’s show but would like to participate, you can see the recording here:


*I’ll get started by saying I thought the overall set was great, playful, and very importantly, entirely self edited. That's a really big development for us and is no easy task with online improv.

*I loved the initial run of scenes off of the “I know how to (fill in the blank with a task) literally but I want to learn it from books too” game introduced by Evan and Mon, which was then pretty broadly explored as people looking to learn what they already know through various preferred methods. Some highlights for me included Gordon getting hit in the face with water because he doesn’t understand how to wash a car, Robby’s creation of The Happy Hose in  Schenectady and Evan reuniting with his bonfire teaching mother, Karen.

*I realize it was unintentional and unexplored, but Gordon’s assertion that “Milk could be wet” makes me laugh and laugh.

*The Happy Therapy scene run by the owner of The Happy Hose, featuring Robby, Karen and Duane was the right level of over complicated for my taste! Really felt like a fun exploration of the larger Schenectady community. 

*Karen’s arrival late in the set as Gordon’s fire teaching mother, who refers to him as Gordie was hilarious! Super short too, Karen came into the scene and dove back out with impressive speed.

37 comentários

17 de mar.

Thank you Team LL for a fun nite! And big bravas to HM for their spectacularly funny set!


Evan Evans
Evan Evans
13 de mar.

The Yes and Why Nots is such a fantastic name for an Improv team. I really love seeing an improv show that starts out with a scene painting. You all generated so many great ideas from that. The scene with Jules and Angelina was so funny and joyous about the Treasure workshop. I love the scene when Sally says they are going to get married Everyone in the show is effortlessly energetic. Jess did an excellent voice of reason saying this is not a tourist resort. Then Mia pointed out that is not fair because animals are nude 😂😂

The Yes Why Nots have everyone beat with the most smiles per second. There is no contest.,☺️☺️

Jess Co
Jess Co
13 de mar.
Respondendo a

Thank you for sharing your favourite scenes from our show, Evan. We had fun! 😀


Jess Co
Jess Co
13 de mar.

Hot Mussels are piping hot! Evan is stellar in his performance as the wild Zebra man with a purple striped Zebra called Barney living in a barn (love the reference to Barney the purple dinosaur, you will notice I like references to kids' stuff). Karen was so funny, some comedy gold lines - "I think I'm losing my mind!", "Give me a sign if they're keeping you here against your will.". But my favourite line is Karen (with a slightly exasperated expression) saying "Bring in Evan my husband" when Duane doesn't appear when he is tagged. Sometimes I wish we can do this in real-life too! 🤣

Jess Co
Jess Co
13 de mar.
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Jess Co
Jess Co
13 de mar.

I was fascinated by the Ulterior Motifs second performance. I want to know more about their method of generating possible ideas for the scenes - what is this technique called? Were there initial suggestions before the generation of ideas? I love how their scenes tie up neatly and how the characters had clear personalities. I love Chris' medical practitioner/shopkeeper with a back room and trade secrets - so dodgy but fun. I enjoyed the interplay between Jeff and Afsaneh - tickling is an extreme torture method, then Chris coming in with the "torture" equipment. I would totally attend Jeff's training - suggested title Psychological Resilience: Advanced Training for High-Stress Interrogations.


12 de mar.

Fyi. You can pay extra entrance fee money to get into cages with animals at a zoo in Mismaloya, outside of Puerto Vallarta, but not alone. I loved this concept from Jess, taking it to a crazy step further!

Jess Co
Jess Co
12 de mar.
Respondendo a

Thanks for sharing that info, George. I've never heard of that before!😀

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